HHSRC SafeSport Policies and Certification Requirements

As required by US Rowing, Hillsborough High School Rowing Club has established a SafeSport Policy as it relates to providing an environment where participants can work and learn together free of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse and misconduct. USRowing's SafeSport program is designed to assure athlete safety by promoting and enforcing policies and programs that address: bullying, hazing, harassment (including sexual harassment), emotional misconduct, physical misconduct, and sexual misconduct (including child sexual abuse and/or grooming behaviors). You will find more information on the US Center for SafeSport here: https://uscenterforsafesport.org. As a reminder, student-athletes are required to complete SafeSport training each year and have knowledge of acceptable or unacceptable behavior relating to club activities. 

  • Each year, all student-athletes, novice, and varsity are required to complete a short SafeSport certification. Student-athletes under 18 are required to complete SafeSport for Youth Athletes. This name may change, please contact the club if you are unsure of the course to complete.
  • Upon a rower's 18th birthday, there is an additional required SafeSport training to be completed. Per USRowing 2023 SafeSport Policy, any USRowing member who is a Relevant Adult Participant is required to complete the 90-minute SafeSport Trained course or one of it’s refreshers as applicable. 18 year old student-athletes will need to complete the 90-minute SafeSport Trained course to be compliant.
  • Student-athletes will be expected to follow all SafeSport Rules and Regulations outlined in the USRowing SafeSport Policy Manual found here.

SafeSport Reporting

As part of this policy, we wanted to provide a means of communication where individuals may report any incidents or concerns related to SafeSport. As a result, we have created our own reporting form for the club. The Hillsborough High School Rowing Club SafeSport reporting form can be found here.

All responses may remain anonymous, or if they choose to share their identity, personal information will not be shared outside the Hillsborough High School Rowing Club Executive Board of Directors without the reporter's permission. The more specific the information shared, the better the HHSRC Board can assess the individual occurrences for further action.

And as always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email us at hhsrowingclub@gmail.com

USRowing SafeSport Certification for HHSRC Student-Athletes

The USRowing SafeSport program addresses six areas of misconduct: sexual misconduct (including child sexual abuse and/or grooming behaviors), emotional misconduct, physical misconduct, bullying, hazing, and harassment.

To protect athletes and all members of the USRowing community, part-time and full-time coaches/trainers, members of the Board of Directors, and volunteers with direct access/interactions with athletes are required to undergo criminal background checks, receive education and training, and be familiar with the USRowing SafeSport reporting, investigation, and hearing process.

  • NEW STUDENT-ATHLETES: HHSRC requires student-athletes under 18 to complete a free, online SafeSport course. This course will take approximately 20 minutes. Student-athletes must complete the SafeSport training by last day of the two week trial period. Please follow this link for instructions to complete the SafeSport course for new student-athletes.


  • RETURNING STUDENT-ATHLETES: HHSRC requires student-athletes under 18 to complete a free, online SafeSport course. This course will take approximately 20 minutes. Student-athletes are to complete the SafeSport training by the first day of practice, August 12, 2024. Please follow this link for instructions to complete the SafeSport course for returning student-athletes.


  • STUDENT-ATHLETES TURNING 18 (August 5-May 31): Per USRowing 2023 SafeSport Policy, adult (18 years or older) athletes who have regular contact with a Minor athlete is required to complete the 90-minute SafeSport Trained course or one of it’s refreshers as applicable, to be compliant.  Please follow this link for instructions to complete the SafeSport course for adult athletes. Student-athletes are to complete the SafeSport training by the first day of practice, August 12, 2024.
    • If a student-athlete prefers to wait until their 18th birthday to complete the adult certification, they must complete the under 18 certification by August 12, 2024. Please follow the link provided under returning student-athletes.

SafeSport Certifications for HHSRC Coaches, Board Members, and Volunteers in Direct Contact with Student-Athletes 

In order for HHSRC to be SafeSport compliant, all coaches, board members and volunteers in direct contact with student-athletes are required to complete a City of Tampa background check and a SafeSport certification.  The adult SafeSport courses teach the nature of misconduct in sports and provides actionable information to better protect athletes.

  • New HHSRC Board Members, Coaches and Volunteers in direct contact with Student-Athletes: Please follow this link for directions to complete the 90-minute course, which can be completed in multiple sittings.
  • Returning HHSRC Board Members, Coaches, and Volunteers in direct contact with Student-Athletes: Please follow this link for directions to complete a refresher course, which can be completed in multiple sittings.