Gator Head


Newnan’s Lake

151 SE 74th Street

Gainesville, FL 32641

When: Saturday, October 22

Where: Gainesville Area Rowing (GAR) 7400 E. University Ave., Gainesville, FL 32641

Waivers: TBA

Parking: Required $5 CASH donation per vehicle. This fee includes the cost of a shuttle to the Palm Point viewing area.

Boat Assignments and Event Times: Times are tentative and subject to change without notice.

Arrival Time: Coach Tate is asking for student-athletes to arrive at 7:30 A.M. This time may change. Some families may prefer to stay in the Gainesville area instead of driving both ways in one day, as a one-way trip could take up to 2 hours or more for some team members.

Volunteers: We can't participate in this regatta without help from the parents. Please sign up to help out. Please visit this link for more information about club families' required volunteer hours.

What to wear: Student-athletes should wear a RED t-shirt or a unisuit if they have one.

What to Bring, What to know:  Look for Team Tent and HHSRC flag! Bring your own chairs, binoculars, sunscreen, bug spray, $5 cash for parking, and wear your best crew t-shirt! Order HHSRC gear here. For a more complete list of what to bring, read


More information about the venue can be found on Regatta Central.

FOOD For Student-Athletes, Team Family Members, and Fans of HHSRC 

$10 Per Person, includes breakfast and lunch.  Please Prepay by Midnight, October 19, 2022, in order for Chef Perrone, Hospitality Chair, to order the correct amount of food. Purchasing in advance not only guarantees you have food, it also cuts down on waste.

Payment will not be accepted the day of the event. Wrist bands will be given to those who prepaid.

Gator head food payment closed 2

HHSRC Hospitality Menu for Gator Head

Due to the restriction of using a grill by the park management, we will be offering a continental breakfast and cold sandwich bar.

Continental Breakfast:
• Assorted bagels
• Assorted muffins
• Croissants`
• Pastries
• Yogurt bar with granola and berries
• Juice, coffee, and milk

Cold Sandwich Bar:
• Assorted deli meats (Ham, salami, turkey, roast beef, chicken salad, humus)
• Assorted cheese
• Topping (Lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onions, and peppers)
• Sauces
• Assorted breads
• Sides (potato salad, Cole slaw, and chips)
• Dessert (Cookies and Brownies)

Gator Head Course 2014