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HHSRC Registration for the 24/25 Seasons is OPEN!

Open to all Hillsborough High School students, as well as high school virtual and homeschool students, and middle school students who reside in Hillsborough County. No experience needed!  Learn to row by attending daily practices as well as fall and spring regattas.

First Day of Practice: August 12th, 2024, 3 PM.

Last Day of Practice: End of April 2025, after Sweep State Championships

Weekday Practice Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday immediately after school until 6:15 p.m.

Weekend Practice Days: Saturday mornings from 7:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.

Practice Location:  Tampa River Center Boathouse at Julian B. Lane Riverfront Park


Cost for the Fall/Spring Seasons:

When you register in the fall for rowing, you are registering for the entire school year, which runs from August 12th to the end of April (after our last state championship regatta).The national competition is held at the end of May, and if we qualify and attend, the cost of that trip is fully funded by the parents of rowers competing and is not covered by the club.

The Fall Season is all about preparing to race in the Spring Season. If you want to join HHS Rowing Club, we strongly recommend joining in the fall so that your student-athlete receives all the necessary training and practice before heading to State Championships in the spring.

Fees: Includes all coaching fees, regatta fees and November's Head of the Hooch hotel rooms for the rowers only. Here's a breakdown:

Registration fees for the 2024-2025 season, per student-athlete:
Total Registration Fee for 2024-2025 = $35.00
Total Membership Fee for 2024-2025 = $2,269.00
Total Rower Regatta Food Fees = $165.00
Total = $2,469.00

The Discounts for the 2024-2025 Season:
$100.00 Discount if you pay for all fees in full (instead of 8 installments)
$200.00 Discount if you have multiple rowers in the same family

  • Registration for one student-athlete
    • Full payment of $2369.00 includes the Registration Fee + Membership fee + Student-athlete Regatta Food Fee - $100 discount due upon registration.
    • The Installment plan is $2469.00 includes the Registration Fee (due immediately) + Membership fee + Student-athlete Regatta Food Fee.  The installment plan is made of 8 equal payments of $304.25/month, September through April. Installment dates for the 2024-2025 Seasons are September 6, October 4, November 1, December 6, January 3, February 7, March 7, and April 4.
  • Registration for two student-athletes in the same family
    • Full payment of $4,638.00 (Registration fees + Membership fees + Student-athletes' Regatta Food Fees -$100.00 discount for fees paid in full -$200.00 for multiple rowers in the same family discount, due upon registration.
    • The Installment plan is $4,938.00 includes the Registration Fees (due immediately) + Membership fee + Student-athlete Regatta Food Fee -$200.00 for multiple rowers in the same family discount. The installment plan is made of 8 equal payments of $583.50/month, September through April. Installment dates for the 2024-2025 Seasons are September 6, October 4, November 1, December 6, January 3, February 7, March 7, and April 4.

Note: Your credit or debit card, depending on how you decide to pay, will be automatically debited or drafted on the above dates.  Paying by Installment plan using ACH is not supported. Members agree to pay dues according to the fee schedule, prior to fee deadlines. If a payment is not received on the due date, the member or financially responsible party has 72 hours to arrange payment with the club treasurer. After 72 hours, the student-athlete will be considered inactive and not be allowed to participate in practice or competitions. A $25 assessment will be made on all fees received after the due date. Student-athletes cannot register for the following season until the previous season is paid in full. In order to allow for a trial period, refunds of club dues will be given to new members during the first two weeks of practice. If a student leaves the club during the season, the student-athlete and their family agree to pay all fees for the entire season including the pro-rated buy-out amount for uncompleted volunteer hours.

Scholarship - Scholarships will be considered on a case-by-case basis and required forms must be submitted for review by the scholarship committee. Please note, scholarships do not cover the $35 registration fee, the Unisuit fee, or transportation to regattas, and other costs and family requirements outlined on the scholarship page.

If you are interested in obtaining a scholarship, please follow the registration instructions outlined on our scholarship page. If the scholarship option is chosen during registration and and you have not been awarded a scholarship, you will be required to re-register.

Two Week Trial

If you are unsure about crew and want to try it for two weeks!  Click this Two Week Trial link for details.

Multi-student-athlete Discount

We offer a discount for multiple student-athletes in the same family.  For every additional student-athlete, we will discount the total fee by $100. In order to receive this discount in the online registration form automatically, you must register all student-athletes in the same registration form.

Out of State/Overnight Regattas

Our team will travel to Chattanooga, TN, for the Head of the Hooch Regatta in early November.

The above crew fees cover for the Head of the Hooch Regatta:

  • Hotel for student-athletes
  • Head of the Hooch Regatta fees
  • Some meals are included for student-athletes, not all meals
  • Shell and equipment transportation
  • Coaches' travel expenses, and other miscellaneous costs associated with a travel regatta.

What is not covered for the Head of the Hooch Regatta:

  • Student-athlete transportation costs
  • Some student-athlete meals are not included
  • Parents travel and accommodations are the responsibility of each family.

We require all student-athletes to room at one hotel for logistical reasons and to promote team unity.  We reserve extra rooms for parents who wish to stay at the same hotel.  We also fundraise to arrange student-athlete travel in a coach bus with a few parent volunteer chaperones, and possibly an assistant coach. If the fundraising goal for transportation is not met, parents will be required to pay for their student-athlete's transportation to the Head of the Hooch that is provided by the club. Student-athletes must travel on the coach bus as a team to and from Head of the Hooch.  Should any rower get sick during the trip (for any reason), the parent or guardian of the rower is responsible for picking up their child and returning to Tampa. 

If you have connections with bus companies,  hotels, or restaurants that could help drive down costs, we would appreciate your support!

In State/Long Distance Regattas

Travel costs for regular regattas, those that are a bit farther away but still in state, are not included in the rowing fees.  We attend a few regattas in Orlando and Sarasota.  If parents and student-athletes wish to travel the day before and stay at a hotel, they are free to do so at their own expense.  It is possible to drive early on Saturday mornings and get there on time, but we strongly recommend that student-athletes NOT make this trip on their own.


Uniforms are purchased at the beginning of the Fall Season.  Returning student-athletes have the option of using the previous year's uniform.  The cost of the unisuit depends on the amount ordered at the beginning of the fall season. For the 22/23 year, student-athletes paid $105. Orders after the fall order submission will cost $150 plus shipping. Student-athletes are required to wear uniforms in order to race at any sanctioned rowing event.

USRowing Membership

USRowing Basic Membership is required of all student-athletes. Please visit the US Rowing Membership web page and join as a basic member or renew your basic membership if you are already a member.  This waiver is valid for one year ending every December 31st. The cost of the Basic Membership is under $30.

Scholastic National Championships

Student-athletes qualifying for SRAA Rowing National Championships will have the opportunity to travel to that regatta at the end of the the Spring Season.  Only student-athletes qualifying for and participating in National Championships need to pay this fee.  That fee will be determined at that time, but is typically around $1,000.


At every regatta, we set up a Hospitality Tent where student-athletes and parents can relax between events.  We bring our hospitality trailer, grill, and everything to make the day a fun buffet-picnic outing. This is an entirely parent-driven activity that requires your support in terms of volunteering to help with setup in the morning, preparing food, and breaking down at the end of the day. Please help us make it a great day! Membership fees only cover the student-athletes hot breakfast, hot lunch, and snacks. We aren't leaving parents, family, and fans out! There will be an opportunity for parents, family, and fans to pre-pay $15 per person for each regatta they plan to attend in the fall and another opportunity for the spring. More information will be available after fall registration is complete. 


This club cannot operate without you volunteering!  The County nor the School provides any funding for rowing.  It is 100% funded and supported by you the parent.  Please see our Family Volunteer Requirement page for details on how you can do your part.


Members are expected to support fundraising events by participating, planning, and leading these efforts. Members understand the club dues only cover a portion of the operating expenses, and the club depends on fundraising throughout the year to cover regattas and operating expenses. Therefore, club fundraisers supplement operating funds. Each HHSRC member family is responsible for raising at least $400 per year for the club. There will be numerous opportunities each season to achieve this goal, planned by our fundraising team. Please visit our Family Fundraising Requirement page for details.

The HHS Rowing Club is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and all contributions are tax-deductible.

Physical, SafeSport Certification and USRowing Membership/Waiver Due Dates

Returning student-athletes are expected to have the FHSAA Physical Evaluation Form (EL2), SafeSport Certification, and USRowing membership/waiver completed and submitted before or by the first day of practice.

New Student-athletes are required to submit the following items at the end of their two week trial period.

These items are not required in order complete the TeamSnap registration process.


Parents fill out the appropriate areas of the Florida High School Athletic Association form and have the appropriate sections filled out by your primary care physician. Page 4 of 4 must be completed which includes: signed, stamped, dated, and cleared without limitations by approved medical personnel.  The supplement page may be required. It may be possible to schedule a  physical at CVS, Publix, or Hillsborough County Back-2-School Health Clinics Days. Find more information here.

This only needs to be done once per calendar year.

  • All crew members are required to provide this form.
  • Email to hhsrowingclub@gmail.com with the student-athlete's name in the subject line.
  • Due on the first day of practice for returning student-athletes (8/12/2024) or the last day of the two-week trial period for new student-athletes.

HHSRC requires student-athletes under 18 to complete a free online SafeSport course. This course will take approximately 20 minutes.

Student-athletes turning 18 between August 5 and May 31 are required to complete the 90-minute SafeSport Trained course or one of its refreshers, if applicable, to be compliant.

Please follow this link for more information.


In order for student-athletes to participate in regattas, they are required to have a USRowing Individual Membership and completed waiver. Please follow this link for instructions and to complete the purchase of the USRowing Individual Membership.

Registration for the 2024-2025 Season

IMPORTANT: Please use a parent or guardian's TeamSnap account to complete the registration process. Please do not use the student-athlete's email. You can add the student-athlete later into your account. This will ensure that everyone is on our communications list. 


BEFORE YOU START THE REGISTRATION PROCESS, Please complete the following required items. You will be asked to upload the items during the registration process. Please contact the club if you encounter any issues.

Please complete registration on a laptop or desktop.

  • Date of Birth Document Confirmation: For student-athletes to participate in the FSRA Regattas, date of birth documentation is required. Approved documentation can be any state or federal-issued document with the student-athlete's name and date of birth: birth certificate, passport (not expired), or driver's license/permit. Please follow this format to name this document: lastname.firstname.DOB
  • HHSRC 2024-2025 Participation Policy Agreement: Please download and complete the HHSRC 2024-2025 Participation Policy. This signed policy, by parent and student-athlete, is required when registering. Please follow this format to name this document: lastname.firstname.2425policy.
  • HHSRC Watersport Waiver, Certification and Release: Please download and complete the Watersport Waiver. Please name this document in the following format: lastname.firstname.Water. This signed policy, by parent and student-athlete, is required when registering. Please follow this format to name this document: lastname.firstname.2425watersport.
  • HHSRC Transportation Policy: All student-athletes participating in the after-school boathouse carpool, whether drivers or riders, no matter the frequency, must have the HHSRC Transportation Policy signed to participate. Please download, read, and sign. Please follow this format to name this document: lastname.firstname.2425transportation
  • City of Tampa General Waiver and Release: Please download the City of Tampa Waiver. The City requires everyone who rows at Tampa River Center Boathouse at Julian B. Lane Riverfront Park to fill out this waiver and release (2 pages). Student-athletes 18 and over can sign their own form while any student-athlete under 18 must have a parent or guardian sign. Please enter the dates of 8/1/2024 to 5/31/25, and leave the HH# blank. Please follow this format to name this document: lastname.firstname.COT.

    Now that that is out of the way, it's time to register on a laptop or desktop!

  • Please note there are two registration buttons. Please select the correct button when registering.
    • The first registration button is for families who have one student-athlete.
    • The second registration button is for registering two student-athletes in the same family.

When clicking on the [Register] button below, you will be prompted to either sign-in to TeamSnap or to sign-up and create a new TeamSnap account.  We use TeamSnap for all our registration forms, payments and communications.  The TeamSnap account that is signed into or created during registration is the one that will be responsible for making payments.

If you find that you cannot finish the registration all in one session, you may close your browser window (after clicking "save and continue") and come back later to complete it.


Use the registration below ONLY if you have two rowers in the same family.

If you have any questions, please contact any board member by email at hhsrowingclub@gmail.com.  We welcome your input!

HHSRC is a non-profit 501(C)(3) tax-exempt organization.

Donations to the Club are tax-deductible under the IRS Code.