FSRA Sweep State Championship

HHSRC Hospitality food payment for All parents, family, and fans see below

This page will be updated closer to the event.

This two day regatta is hosted by Florida Scholastic Rowing Association and Sarasota Crew, and is for all rowers.  Learn more on Regatta Central.

When: This regatta is two days, April 26 and 27, 2025

Where: Nathan Benderson Park, 5851 Nathan Benderson Cir., Sarasota, FL 34235

Student-Athlete Arrival Time at the Tent: 6:30 AM. Anticipate traffic delays and parking to arrive on time.

Parking: Parking information will be posted closer to the event.

TeamSnap App: A reminder, as stated in the participation policy you signed, student-athletes and parents will be expected to use only HHSRC platforms, which are TeamSnap and Remind, for official team communications. Use TeamSnap, especially on Regatta days, to ask or answer questions, and receive race updates. Now is a good time to double-check your account and ensure your contact information is correct.

Race Times: Race times will be available closer to the event. Race times may change without notice.

Boat Assignments: Boat lineups can be found here, and will be updated by the coaches closer to the event. Race times may change without notice.

Club Volunteers: The success of this regatta depends on parent volunteers! The sign up link will be available closer to the event.

  • Please visit this link for more information about club families' required volunteer hours.
  • To review HHSRC's Participation Policy, please go here.
  • Please self report your hours after the event here.

***Host Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteers are required from each participating team to allow FSRA to run a successful regatta. Teams need to sign up for 1 position per program plus 1 position per entry. Remember to include your team name with your signup. Programs should sign up for only their obligated number of positions by the regatta registration deadline. Each position that is not filled by a team by the deadline will result in a $250 fee. Sign-up links are below under their respective regatta. A link to host volunteer opportunities will be available closer to the event. Hours volunteered for the regatta host count toward your volunteer hour commitment.

What to wear: Student-athletes are required to wear their unisuit.

Regatta VIP Tower Tickets
A limited number of tickets will be sold for each regatta allowing 2nd floor access for the weekend. 170 tickets per regatta will be available via the links below assuming no weather issues. Soft drinks, water, and snacks provided. VIP guests are welcome to bring their lawn chairs to sit out on the 2nd floor observation deck. Except for the case where the entire regatta is cancelled, tickets are non-refundable. 2025 FSRA Sweeps VIP ticket link available 04/09/25 noon to no later than 04/25/25. No pets allowed.

What to Bring, What to Know:  Look for the team hospitality trailer, and team flag! Bring your own chairs, a hat, binoculars, sunscreen, bug spray, and wear your best crew t-shirt! For a morecomplete list of what to bring, refer to this page https://www.hhsrowingclub.org/regatta-information/

All parents, family, and fans who would like to eat HHSRC Hospitality food ($15 for a hot breakfast and hot lunch). Please pay HERE by Friday, April 18th. Student-athletes' food is included in the membership dues. 


Race Map:

overcast clouds
74% humidity
wind: 7m/s SE
H 72 • L 69
Weather from OpenWeatherMap

If you have any questions, please contact any board member by email at hhsrowingclub@gmail.com.  We welcome your input!

HHSRC is a non-profit 501(C)(3) tax-exempt organization.

Donations to the Club are tax-deductible under the IRS Code.