HHS Crew Registration 2021/22

HHSRC Covid-19 Response

Open to all Hillsborough High School students—no experience needed! Learn to row by attending daily practices.


First Day of Practice: Tuesday, August 10, 2021, at 4 p.m.

Last Day of Practice: End of April 2022/Beginning of May 2022 (after Sweep State Championships/Nationals)

Practice Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Practice Times:

  • Mondays 3–6:30 p.m.
  • Tuesdays, Thursday, Fridays 4–6:30 p.m.
  • Saturdays 7:30-10:30 a.m.

Practice Location:  Tampa River Center Boathouse at Julian B. Lane Riverfront Park

Cost: Includes all coaching fees, regatta fees and Head of the Hooch overnight trip to Tennessee.  Here's a breakdown:

  • A $25 registration fee
  • Either a one-time payment of $2060 at the start of the season or 8 equal payments of $270/month (September to April, totaling $2160
  • If you join later in the season, you will only be responsible for payments that are 10 days in the past and all payments that are in the future from your registration date.  Installment dates are: 9/18/21, 10/16/21, 11/20/21, 12/18/21, 1/15/22, 2/19/22, 3/19/22, 4/16/22
  • $95 for a uniform (uni for short—applies only to new rowers)

Multi-Rower Discount: Have more than one HHS student who wants to row? For every additional rower, get 10% off. To get this discount in the online registration form automatically, register all rowers in the same registration form.

Try It Free for 2 Weeks: We know you're going to love rowing as much as we do! But don't take our word for it—if you're not ready to commit just yet, come try it for free for 2 weeks. Click this Free Two-Week Trial link for details.

Scholarships: A limited number of scholarships are available. When you register, choose this option when you check out only if you have already been awarded one. If you select this option and haven't been awarded one, you'll have to re-register.

Scroll down to begin the registration process.

As part of the registration process, you'll be asked to print, fill out, scan, and upload four documents (as PDFs, please): Emergency Medical Release (needs to be notarized), FHSAA Physical Evaluation Form (from your pediatrician), and two COVID waivers (to be filled out only by rowers who did not attend varsity camp).

You can complete the registration process without uploading the physical and emergency release because these might take a little longer to gather. If you don't submit these when you register, please email them to hhsrowingclub@gmail.com (in PDF format, please) no later than 8/29.

All rowers are required to have all forms on file within a week of registration.

This is because of liability, and we thank you for your understanding.

Need a quick and easy way to scan documents direct to PDF?  This c|net article can help!

Must be notarized before scanning and uploading to TeamSnap.

Must be signed by a physician before scanning and uploading to TeamSnap.

This can be your primary care provider or any clinic or pharmacy that has physician services.

All rowers must sign this waiver and upload signed copy during TeamSnap registration.

All rowers must sign this waiver and upload signed copy during TeamSnap registration.

Register here for the Summer 2025 Learn to Row Camps

IMPORTANT: Please use a parent or guardian's TeamSnap account to complete the registration process. Please do not use the student-athlete's email. You can add the student-athlete later into your account. This will ensure that everyone is on our communications list. 


BEFORE YOU START THE REGISTRATION PROCESS, Please complete the following required items. You will be asked to upload the items during the registration process. Please contact the club if you encounter any issues.

Please complete registration on a laptop or desktop.

  • HHSRC Watersport Waiver, Certification and Release: Please download and complete the Watersport Waiver. Please name this document in the following format: lastname.firstname.Water. This signed policy, by parent and student-athlete, is required when registering. Please follow this format to name this document: lastname.firstname.2425watersport.
  • City of Tampa General Waiver and Release: Please download the City of Tampa Waiver. The City requires everyone who rows at Tampa River Center Boathouse at Julian B. Lane Riverfront Park to fill out this waiver and release (2 pages). Student-athletes 18 and over can sign their own form while any student-athlete under 18 must have a parent or guardian sign. Please enter the dates of 8/1/2024 to 5/31/25, and leave the HH# blank. Please follow this format to name this document: lastname.firstname.COT.


If you have any questions, please contact any board member by email at hhsrowingclub@gmail.com.  We welcome your input!

HHSRC is a non-profit 501(C)(3) tax-exempt organization.

Donations to the Club are tax-deductible under the IRS Code.